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Camera Shots


Match on action


A shot that changes the perspective of the camera. It consists of two shots in which the character will finish his/her action,that was orignally started in the first shot, in the second shot. This allows the scene to flow with no disruption. An example of this would be the character opeing the door, the viewer seeing from their view point and then another shot of that character walking through the door. To allow the same action to flow during the scene.




A shot in which is usually used in conversations when two characters are facing each other. This technique is used when a characer is shown to be looking at another character and then that character is shown to look back. When two characters are having a conversation, instead of the camera continuously moving, different shots will be taken of each character and put together to allow a flowing conversation with reaction shots.  




180-degree rule


An imaginary line called the axis is used for the 180-degree rule. This axis connects two characters or two objects. However the camera will always stay on one side of the axis for every shot in the scene. Thus to keep the viewing of an conversation for example the same to the viewer. So it doesnt appear that the characters have quickly changed positions.   



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