Audience Research
Audience Research
On the 4th/5th of november, our group began our audience research. There was many different ways we could get our audience research, however as a group we decided to go with a questionnaire with a variety of qualitive and quantitive questions. We also decided on filming interviews with roughly 3/4 people within the sixth form, to gain qualitive data. As a group we helped each other design the questions for the questionnaire and the interviews. We decided we needed to have roughly the same sort of questions but felt that the questionaire should have a widder range of questions to do with the thriller genre. As a group of three, we decided that Tommy would be best for creating the questionnaire and giving them to a range of people that fit out target audience. We also decided that myself and Grace would be incharge of the interviews. We felt this decision would be successful as we work well together, which meant we could get the interviews filmed and edited quickly but successfully. On the right is a picture of the questions our group designed
On the 19th Novemeber, myself and Grace completed our audience research interviews. We managed to film 4 interviews, 2 female interviewees and 2 male interviewees. We felt that this gave us a variety of opinions from both sexes. The participants age ranged from 16-17 years old. Although we would of rather got a larger age range, this is the best we could do as the interviewees were students at our sixth form so it was less time consuming to work with them. Myself and Grace both took turns in asking the questions and filming. Once we had finished filming we began to edit. The editing was a joint effort between myself and Grace as to start with we found it quite difficult to work. However after using youtube tutorials and advice from our
peers, we learnt how to use the software successfully and began to cut the parts of the clips we did not need. However there is one fault in the editing around 16 seconds, where you can briefly hear me saying 'what' after the interviewee has answered. We were unable to edit this part out as the clip was so small that we found it difficult to cut them last few seconds. However i do not think it effects the quality of our interviews. Our interviewees were Annabel Owen, Arthur Lidgey, Katie Greenwood and Josh Obisanya. Josh was the first person we interviewed after deciding the questions we should ask, therefore his setting is different to the others as we was only able to do josh's interview one day, so we completed the final interviews the next day. From our interviews we found a variety of answers. We found out that Annabel preferred Psycho-Thrillers whereas Katie preferred Horror thrillers. Both Arthur and Josh liked action-thrillers.
To gain a wide variety of audience research, we decided to print off 15 questionnaires. The filled in questionnaires, are in the slideshow to the right. As Tommy was in charge of the questionaires, once they had all been filled in, he created the two pie charts of the age analysis and the gender. Below are two charts that Tommy made. Myself and Grace then created the remaining charts as we felt we could add more detail to the information we gained.
Question one:
These are the results we collected for the age of the people that took our questionnaire. Although the majority of people are aged 16-18, this gives us an advantage as we will know more information on how to make a thriller opening that appeals to them.
Question two:
Here are the results for question 2 which shows the amount of males and females we
asked. We asked a near equal amount of 8 males and 7 females, giving us a variety of results for both sexues which will allow us to understand what we have to include to appeal to both males and females.
Question three and four:
The most popular result was a horror thriller as five people selected this answer, this was then followed by action and crime which both genres cored four and finally psychological which had three people choose it. They are all quite equal answers therefore allowing us plenty of option to what genre we want to do as we have a range of information for all sub genres. People enjoyed horror because they liked the 'adrenaline rush of being scared." Ther reason people liked the action thriller was because you "see the good guy beat the bad guy." and finally they found Psychological thrillers interesting because it was "gets you thinking/investigating."
Question 5:
What aspects of a thriller film do you enjoy the most?
The results we collected from this qualitive question were the following.
- Keeping the audience intrigued
-Gun fights
-Suspense and mystery (mentioned more than once)
-Car chase/fights
-Character dying
-Plot twists
-Trying to work out what's happening
-Cliff hangers
Question 6:
From the results we collected, we found that from the people we asked they only watched films with the certificate aged 15 and aged 18. This means that for our thriller opening we will have to apply our opening to hit the category for film ratings 15/18.
Question 7:
From the pie chart, you can clearly see that the majority of the people we asked, preferred modern films compared to old fashioned. As modern was the most popular, we will make our thriller film opening modern to appeal to our target audience.
Question 8:
From the results we collected from the questionaires, we found that an Urban setting was the most popular chosen location. However housing estates and woodland areas were the second most popular. From these results, we decided as a group that we would go for the second most popular setting when filming our thriler opening, The woods. e decided this as we feel it would suit our idea for our plot better than an urban area. However the research did greatly help us with making this decision.